About the New Life Church Men's MAFIA Ministries:

“…but among you it should be quite different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must become your slave. For even I, the Son of Man, came here not to be served but to serve others, and to give my life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:26-28 (NLT)

The New Life Church Men's MAFIA (Men After Faith, Integrity & Action) is a Christian fellowship of brothers-in-Christ dedicated to supporting each another, the NLC congregation and the community-at-large through service outreach (H.I.T.S. – Helping in the Spirit) , masculine accountability & encouragement, discipleship and prayer ministries.

Monday, April 18, 2011

HIT Opportunities – Storm Clean-up

Greetings Hitmen,

We are reaching out to our Hitmen seeking support for some for our dear brethren who are affected from last weeks storms.  The Bentley house took a major hit last week when the storms came thru. They had a huge oak tree fall on their house making it uninhabitable. Some of their family helped to cleaning up some of the mess but it is going to be a long hard job. It was about an 80 mph wind that took the tree down and placed it in their den and bedroom. God watched out for and protected them as nobody was injured. When the roof collapsed Duwayne was standing in the only place in the room that held up. He is confident that God’s hand was holding him fast. At this time I don’t know what all they may need. Just wanted you to know about their situation so you could consider helping them as you are Spirit led. Please pray for them as they wade through this thing.

If you are able bodied and want to assist them, please feel free to contact them at the following numbers and let them know you represent the NLC Men’s MAFIA and want to help out:

Duwayne Bentley 501/351-2117

Emma Lou Bentley 501/690-1735

In His service,

Luke Ribich

NLC MAFIA Missions 2011–Update Haiti

Greetings Hitmen,

Hey men of NLC. We will be having a meeting at NLC on April 19 @7:00pm to talk about MEN'S MISSIONS TO HAITI. If you think you might like to go or if you just want to hang out and find out what is going on,come on. For other information call or contact BRUCE WATERS @ 766-5775 OR bruce-waters@sbcglobal.net.Hope to see you there.

In His service,

Bruce Waters